About Me

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Thinking Thinking Thinking - Portrait Parties & Breast Cancer Awareness

Today was the day of thought! I finished up editing and posting the LookieLoo of the wedding we photographed on the 18th. Then I started thinking....

I like the idea of two things: Portrait Parties & Donations for Good Causes. Thus, I think I am going to talk to my "Partner in Crime" and maker of my newborn props, Christy (click to see the beginnings of her Etsy shop), and see if she'd like to make props for Breast Cancer Awareness (using the Carolina Panthers Blue color entertwined with the Breast Cancer Pink), Leukemia Awareness and Research (since a sister to a friend of mine from Highschool was recently diagnosed - Orange and possibly something else), Organ Donor/Recipent Support (Green, and maybe something else), and SIDS (light pink and light blue). I'm thinking I might pick one for a year, or another time frame, and a percentage of proceeds from any session using that color's props will go to that charity/organization. I know I just started this blog, anyone reading yet? Any suggestions?

My additional idea, was such:
I don't know of any other photographers in the area/region that do portrait parties; though I researched online after developing the idea, and realized that there are other photographers that do them! Here's what I came up with, and if you are interested, email us or comment below with your email so that we may contact you!

The Hostess:
- Sessions happen in the Hostess' home, yard, or convenient park.
- The hostess coordinates with photographer on a theme and props for the sessions.
- Schedules between 7 (2 hours) and 20 (6 hours and 20 minutes) families 20-minute sessions.
- Host offers light snacks and beverages, but the party can be planned for a client to stay for the day, or arrive just before and leave just after their session.

Hostess Benefits:
- The host pays no sitting fee, and receives a free portrait session for their family
- The host receives a free high-resolution CD of their family portraits
- The host receives $20.00 off a future session portrait of their choice to be used in a 6-month time frame.
- If a guest of the host decides to host a portrait party of their own, hostess will additionally receive a 1-2 hour portrait session without a sitting fee.
- If three guests purchase a package, host will receive a FREE 8x10 of their choice image.
- If party chooses to participate in the 'referral' program we offer through Face Book, hostess will receive an additional collection of print proofs for any future session of their choice.
- If host chooses to host a newborn party (newborn to 3 months of age sessions), host will receive print credit for their session based on portrait packages ordered of their guests.

The Guests:
- All guests receive no sitting fees!
- Once packages are posted, photographer will email clients for email verification. Client will then have 2-weeks to place orders.
- All guests will view photos online and select their orders from album.
- All guests will receive $20.00 off a future session to be used in a 6-month time frame.

- Package A:
Customer Cost: $50.00
Digital High-Res C.D. + Print Release with B&W + Color & Special Edits

-Package B:
Customer Cost: $30.00 (PROFESSIONAL prints)
8-Wallets (up to 2 different poses)

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